TradeNet provides unmatched customer service with a product value that exceeds our competitors. To achieve this, we invite only the best individuals to be a part of the TradeNet team. Our team members are resourceful, quality-conscious and responsible for ensuring a superb product and excellent customer service.
We recognize this expertise through career development opportunities, excellent wages, and a generous benefit package. The Southwest Johnson County Economic Development Council named us "Business of the Year" because of our innovative employee programs. TradeNet is an employee-owned, equal opportunity employer.
TradeNet provides unmatched customer service with a product value that exceeds our competitors. To achieve this, we invite only the best individuals to be a part of the TradeNet team. Our team members are resourceful, quality-conscious and responsible for ensuring a superb product and excellent customer service.
We recognize this expertise through career development opportunities, excellent wages, and a generous benefit package. The Southwest Johnson County Economic Development Council named us "Business of the Year" because of our innovative employee programs. TradeNet is an employee-owned, equal opportunity employer.
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